

Growth of corruption free business culture in Volta region

Initiate and grow new and corruption free businesses through

  • reducing dependencies on imports to Ghana,
  • implementing other nature-based technologies or solutions
  • Enabling founders with drive and high integrity

Providing employment opportunities with accountability to stakeholders.

Our impacts will be measured by jobs created, uplift in income, sound environmental stewardship and increased stakeholder value created with environmental, social and governance principles. 


  • Service
  • High Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Passion
  • Meritocracy
  • Ownership
  • Pragmatism

The SAFE GHANA FUND (SGF) Executive Management Board consists of Directors responsible for managing the funds. The Executive Management Board reports to the Supervisory Board of SGF. The Volta Business Incubator is the technical support organization that provides training, coaching and handholding supports for SGF portfolio companies.