Volta Tree Crops Actors:  Coconut Revitalisation Project with GEPA

Volta Tree Crops Actors:  A lot has happened in only 6 months!

 In late May our team was able to realize 50,000 coconuts seedlings support for 2024 planting from Ghana Export Promotion Authority.

 This time we had the chance to supply 150 basic schools, Scondary schools and Technical and Vocational Training Instiutes with 65 to 100 coconut seedlings throughout the entire volta region. This including our local assembly sites that are the result of continuous successful partnerships with Members of Parliament, Tree Crops Development Authority, Business Resource Centre, IROBV West Africa, Homayor Farms Limited and SAFE Ghana lintsk Limited, as well as the Volta Region House of Chiefs, and commercial farmers in the Volta region.

The experiences our beneficiaries already made planting coconut trees in the schools, as well as members of a local Volta Tree Crops Actors showed that the cash crops already had immense positive effects.

The interviews and conversations with beneficiaries, business partners and technicians at the local assemblies provided us with a lot of insightful feedback that we gladly take back to Ghana Export Promotion Authority and the Ministry of Trade and Industry to improve Schools in Exports product even further and arrange agreements to produce and distribute more coconuts to provide as many people as possible with opportunities to own at least 2Ha or 5 acres plantations. We are happy, impressed and excited about the well-functioning organization of the seedlings distribution, the many requests from potential plantation owners, and most importantly the positive feedback and stories from people see the future benefits to local communities and schools. We are looking forward to our next visit to further follow along the progress that is made by our partners and staff every day!

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